Sunday, March 16, 2014

The history of my name ^^,

Hello! Are you not curious of how you are named and why that name was chosen??
Me, I am!!
My name is Michelle Elaine.

So, how I got my name?
My aunty suggested it to my father since my father wanted the first letter to be M.
My father wanted all his children to have the same initial, which is M.
Therefore my aunty suggested Michelle. Actually she wanted it to be Michelle Lane but somehow, my father changed it to Michelle Elaine.

Next question, why Michelle?
Have you ever heard of the movie, Full House?
My aunty told me she chose that name because it was the name of the main character of the famous comedy at that time, Full House.

Michelle Tanner (Ashley & Mary Kate Olsen)

I was named after this girl. haha.. couldn't believe it!
I always heard of this drama. This drama helped the Olsen's twin to gain popularity. They became famous because of this drama. But I didn't know that I was named after this little girl.
I guess my aunty was so obsessed/amazed  by her characters that she wanted her niece to have the same name. :)
Source: Aunty Susan Nesserd

How about you? Who chose your name and why that name was chosen? 

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