Happy Sunday all! Today is 13 February two thousand and eleven. As usual I went to church but this morning I went to Carmelite Chapel since I didn't go back home this weekend. I don't know whether other people feel what I feel. Every time I go to church, I feel so happy and relieved. I feel like my burden is lessen. At church, I get to sing out loud, which I didn't do publicly unless it is done in a group of people. People always say that exercise can help us to release tension or stress. As for me, I feel free and relieved after I go to church. Sometimes when I was down because of certain things that happened in my life, I felt my spirit is lifted after I praised and worshiped God. I'll never stop praising Lord God and Jesus his son! When I'm at church, I feel secured and protected. I know that someone is watching over me and my beloved family. I know that my prayers are being heard by him...
By the way, one incident happened in Saberkas that wrenched my heart upon seeing it in front of me. There was one kind-of-mental disorder boy with his mother, sister and sister's little daughter waiting for their transportation in front of Saberkas. Coincidently, I was there too waiting for Uncle to pick us up. This boy seemed angry with his mother maybe because his mother didn't approve his intention to do something. He began to protest and he walked towards the long car queue and by using his walking cane, he wanted to hit all the cars' bonnet with his cane. But his sister scolded him and pulled him back. However, when I was inside Saberkas already, I heard someone was screaming. I turned back and I saw his mother was screaming and crying. I felt like crying. I couldn't imagine how would she feel about it. I felt like my heart stopped beating for a while. I wonder, why God made this kind of things to happen. However, every thing happens for a reason and only he knows what is the reason behind. I take this incident as a motivation for me. Whenever I feel down and feel like I am in the worst condition and situation, I will remind myself that there are people who suffer more and their condition might be worst than mine! Be grateful of what we have and be thankful that God bless us abundantly!